Great Expectations Episode 16 Plot Introduction

neidi 555℃

Great Expectations Episode 16 Synopsis

   Zhang Wanlin arrested Yan Hua and squatted again, Hong Sanyuan helped Lingchun escape and was seen through

Qi Lin came back unfailingly and came to meet Huo Tianhong. Zhang Wanlin asked him angrily why he had returned without success. Xia Junlin told the story of Yan Hua's encounter. Zhang Wanlin was angry when he heard that. He stood up and went to find Yan Hua to settle accounts. . Huo Tianhong knew that Yan Hua was not an offender, and urged him to be careful. Zhang Wanlin bitterly said that he had come prepared last time, and this time he must be killed by surprise. Qi Lin couldn't help but worry about Yan Hua.

Zhang Wanlin and his master came to the labor union with someone. He smiled and wanted to take Yan Hua away. The two workers stepped forward to stop him, but his master fell to the ground severely. Yan Hua quickly stepped forward to help the workers. The other workers were filled with indignation. At this time, Liang Xingyi rushed over with people, and he sternly refused Zhang Wanlin to take Yan Hua away. Where did Zhang Wanlin put these poor workers in his eyes, threatened them, and insisted on taking people away.

   Just when the two sides were emotionally excited, and a fight was about to start, Lu Yusheng hurried over with a gift. He claimed that he had come to congratulate the establishment of the union, and Liang Xingyi asked him to make an arbitration. Lu Yusheng quickly explained that it was a misunderstanding. They and Yan Hua were old acquaintances, and today they only came to Yan Hua to relive the past. Seeing that things froze, Zhang Wanlin knew that he couldn't get a bargain if he was going to be tough today, so he took advantage of the donkey to help. Before leaving, Lu Yusheng said that he would provide money to fund the union and chop the workers who were injured by his master. He urged everyone to resume work as soon as possible and promised to double the pay. Everyone applauded.

   Zhang Wanlin ate up again and again in front of Yan Hua, and was extremely angry. After returning to the Huo Mansion, he was furious at Lu Yusheng, complaining that he had let himself be a villain, but Lu Yusheng calmed him down in a hurry. Zhang Wanlin wanted to assassinate Liang Xingyi and Yan Hua in order to crack down on the newly established dock union union, but Lu Yusheng felt that it was wrong and worried that it would force the workers back. He believed that this union did not have much impact on the company's interests, so it is better to wait and see. However, Huo Tianhong subconsciously felt that this union would become his own confidant in the future, but he currently has no good way to deal with them, so he has to let it go.

   Shen Qingshan asked his subordinates to inquire again and again, but the missing priest and nun seemed to have evaporated. There was no news. Shen Qingshan screamed at the drunkard a little irritably and asked him to continue digging for clues.

Hong Sanyuan knew that Lu Lingchun was a smart man, and he would definitely not rush away from Shanghai. He would hide in Shanghai for a while, wait until the wind passed, and then leave unconsciously, plus he found out about the tailor shop before. There was no bed in the inner room, so I guessed there should be a secret room behind the inner room, and Lu Lingchun was probably hiding in it. After some exploration and squatting, he finally caught Xue Er who had jumped out the window to look for food in the early hours of the day.

   Hong Sanyuan easily bluffed Xue Er and forced him to obediently take himself to see Lu Lingchun. Lu Lingchun was shocked when he saw Hong Sanyuan, thinking that he was here to catch him, so she promised to give him all the belongings of herself and Xue Er, and let him leave his own way. In order to test the true heart of the two of them, Hong Sanyuan lied that Huo Tianhong was furious because of this and insisted on leaving the life of one of them. Lu Lingchun and Xue Er were arguing for the other side to leave, and stayed to calm down. Huo Tianhong's anger. Hong Sanyuan was completely relieved when he saw this scene, he interrupted the two people's sorrow and cry, and told them the truth.

Lu Lingchun couldn’t believe Hong Sanyuan’s words. She was worried that she would have no life-saving capital after surrendering this last straw. Hong Sanyuan did not believe that Huo Tianhong would give up killing Lu Lingchun, but if If he didn't return the iron scroll, I was afraid that Huo Tianhong would not give up the search, and he inferred from the phenomenon that the police station also joined the search, Huo Tianhong must be planning to launch Lu Lingchun as a substitute for Xu Guoliang's case. After much consideration, Hong Sanyuan came up with a way to ask Lu Lingchun to write a letter to herself, pretending that she had returned to her hometown in Anhui and everything was fine. He brought the letter and the iron roll to return Huo Tianhong to let him relax his vigilance. , And look for opportunities to send them out of Shanghai in the future. When Lu Lingchun and Xue Er heard this, they thought it was a good idea. They couldn't help but feel grateful to Hong Sanyuan. Lu Lingchun was happy and hugged tightly.Hong Sanyuan thanked him for his selfless help, and told Xue Er that he had been pregnant for three months in front of Hong Sanyuan. Xue Er heard that he was going to be a father, and he was overjoyed and extremely excited.

Hong Sanyuan learned from Lu Lingchun that this Qinghuang iron scroll records Yongxin’s 100-year history and also hides an unknown secret to the sky, so he took the iron scroll back to the courtyard and woke up. Chu Yuxian, who was sleeping, asked him to study this iron scroll and help himself fake a post office letter. Fake letters are a piece of cake for Chu Yuxian. He is more interested in this Qinghuang iron scroll. From the point of view of texture, the cover of this iron scroll should be made by the legendary black iron, and it records After reading Yongxin's account summary and memorabilia for nearly two hundred years since the Qing Dynasty, he believed that this was by no means an ordinary account book, so he wanted to fake an iron scroll.

After that, Hong Sanyuan took the fake letters and iron rolls to the Huo Mansion. Huo Tianhong saw that Yongxin’s priceless treasure was lost and he was overjoyed. Lu Yusheng persuaded him to withdraw the brother from the company who was searching outside, and he should not pursue Lu Lingchun any more. After doing a good deed, Huo Tianhong hesitated and agreed. He asked Hong Sanyuan what reward he wanted. Hong Sanyuan said that he is a member of Yongxin and that he can help the bosses is the best reward for himself. This pleased Lu Yusheng. He smiled and praised Hong Sanyuan, saying that the credit had been given to him.

  When Hong Sanyuan was leaving, he happened to meet Zhang Wanlin who had heard the news. He stopped Hong Sanyuan and asked how he contacted Lu Lingchun. Hong Sanyuan replied cautiously, saying that she had never contacted Lu Lingchun. Maybe she thought she had left Shanghai safely and it was useless to keep the iron rolls, so she took the initiative to send it back. These words were not leaking, even though Zhang Wanlin threatened to go to the post office to investigate, Hong Sanyuan did not show the slightest panic. Zhang Wanlin did not catch the pigtail from his words, so he let Hong Sanyuan leave.

Huo Tianhong knew that Zhang Wanlin must have seen something. Zhang Wanlin told him triumphantly that when he just passed by Hong Sanyuan, he smelled the perfume Lulingchun usually uses, so he concluded that he was lying and he I must have just met Lu Lingchun. Huo Tianhong stood up when he heard the words, and stepped over the coffee table to find Hong Sanyuan to settle the account, but was stopped by Zhang Wanlin. He said that he would help him with this matter, and he would definitely arrest the adulterer and the adulteress. Come to him. Huo Tianhong shook his head and said that he didn't want to see them. Zhang Wanlin immediately understood. Knowing that Huo Tianhong wanted them to die, he nodded clearly.

   After school, Yu Mengzhu went to the Da Zayuan to visit Hong San again. She couldn't see enough of her being pulled by the red sunflower. On a whim, she said that she would teach her her best chicken soup wonton, and let Lin Yiyi learn it together. Yiyiben didn't want to get involved between the two of them. Both Chu Yuxian and Guaye persuaded her to lose or not to lose, and Yiyi agreed.

Under the meticulous instruction of Red Sunflower, Yu Mengzhu quickly mastered the skill of making Chaos, and the little Chaos did so well. Red Sunflower praised her a lot, but she was very disgusted with Yiyi, who was clumsy when she first started cooking. With merciful depreciation, Yiyi angrily threw off the chaos she was wrapping and went out. Qi Lin came to the kitchen and greeted Yu Mengzhu without words. Yu Mengzhu accidentally said that he was learning from Chaos, Baohong's favorite food. Seeing that only Hong Sanyuan was in her heart, Qi Lin couldn't help being shocked, so he went out wandering alone in a depressed mood, but didn't want to be dragged away with a black cloth over her head on the road.

   When Yu Mengzhu wrapped Chaos and walked out of the kitchen, he was surprised to find that his father was standing in the yard. Red Sunflower yelled innocently to her in-laws, and she wanted to step forward and get close to her, but Guaiye couldn't help but shook her head secretly. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To

Tags: neidi