Sun Li’s new drama hits the street tragically, his acting skills will only be stunned when he is mocked, not as good as Yang Chaoyue

entertainment 337℃

On August 13, Sun Li’s new drama "The City of Ideals" aired the third and fourth episodes. Two days after the first broadcast, the ratings were found to be unsatisfactory. Some netizens joked that "Manny Sun Li, who did not expect the ratings protection, also went down. This day of the altar".

Sun Li’s new drama hits the street tragically, his acting skills will only be stunned when he is mocked, not as good as Yang Chaoyue - Lujuba

can be inquired from the official platform that the viewership of "Ideal Land" was only 0.5% on the day it was broadcast, which is not as good as "Song of the King", not to mention on par with the recent hit "Sweeping Dark Storm".

Sun Li’s new drama hits the street tragically, his acting skills will only be stunned when he is mocked, not as good as Yang Chaoyue - Lujuba

For Sun Li, who has produced such explosive dramas as "Zhen Huan" and "An Jia", such an achievement can definitely be called Waterloo.

Of course, there must be a reason to rush to the street, first of all, the plot is flawed.

Sun Li’s new drama hits the street tragically, his acting skills will only be stunned when he is mocked, not as good as Yang Chaoyue - Lujuba

"Ideal City" tells the story of cost engineer Su Xiao (played by Sun Li) struggling in the workplace. Because of her "clean" professional belief, she has repeatedly frustrated, and it also reflects the current situation of China's construction industry.

Sun Li’s new drama hits the street tragically, his acting skills will only be stunned when he is mocked, not as good as Yang Chaoyue - Lujuba

The commercial drama of the construction industry naturally pays attention to a professionalism, but "Ideal City" seems to be insufficient in this regard.

netizens who are engaged in cost said that nowadays the cost engineering control is very strict. There is no paper bidding, and there will be no bloody plots that appear in TV dramas. This is completely discrediting the profession.

Sun Li’s new drama hits the street tragically, his acting skills will only be stunned when he is mocked, not as good as Yang Chaoyue - Lujuba

Of course, if it were twenty years ago, these plot settings would be reasonable. The second point of

is naturally the actor's acting skills. Sun Li's role this time is an upright female cost engineer. In the broadcast episode, she, as the budget director of the Zhongjian Group, persuaded the boss to ask for a salary. workers.

Sun Li’s new drama hits the street tragically, his acting skills will only be stunned when he is mocked, not as good as Yang Chaoyue - Lujuba

Sun Li’s new drama hits the street tragically, his acting skills will only be stunned when he is mocked, not as good as Yang Chaoyue - Lujuba

I don’t know if the hostess set up too much the same as the previous room in "An Jia", or Sun Li’s acting skills have not improved.

Many people said that Sun Li's performance was too hard in this scene, and there was a feeling that he would not be able to pass it, "just stare at him" and so on.

Sun Li’s new drama hits the street tragically, his acting skills will only be stunned when he is mocked, not as good as Yang Chaoyue - Lujuba

even some netizens predicted:"It feels like Sun Li will be unsafe for the late festival because of this play."

Sun Li’s new drama hits the street tragically, his acting skills will only be stunned when he is mocked, not as good as Yang Chaoyue - Lujuba

In a scene where he played against Yang Chaoyue, Sun Li was also accused of falling asleep.

Sun Li’s new drama hits the street tragically, his acting skills will only be stunned when he is mocked, not as good as Yang Chaoyue - Lujuba

Sun Li’s new drama hits the street tragically, his acting skills will only be stunned when he is mocked, not as good as Yang Chaoyue - Lujuba

Yang Chaoyue plays the front desk and administrative clerk of the company. The expressions and lines of the whole performance are very natural.

Sun Li’s new drama hits the street tragically, his acting skills will only be stunned when he is mocked, not as good as Yang Chaoyue - Lujuba

Of course, it will give the audience this feeling. It should also be part of the makeup. Since the beginning of the broadcast, some netizens have discovered that the appearance of this show is "earth and earth", and Sun Li’s age is placed there, almost without makeup. In appearance, facing the face of Yang Chaoyue, who is full of collagen, he will definitely lose his demeanor.

As the saying goes, a thousand readers have a thousand Hamlet in their hearts. At present, "Ideal City" has only been updated to the fourth episode. As a commercial drama, the follow-up should be more exciting. As for the discussion about Sun Li's acting, I believe everyone I have my own comment, after all, classic roles are always difficult to surpass, which is normal. I also hope that Sun Li can take on more breakthrough roles in the future!

Sun Li's "Ideal City" starts airing today. Sun Li plays Su Xiao and Sun Li

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Editor: I want to eat durian every day

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Tags: entertainment