Korean drama rich defender diversity plot introduction (1-16 episodes) finale

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Korean drama Rich Defender Episode 1 Diversity plot introduction

Zheng Jinzi seduces Yin Hee-jae to obtain information, gangsters want revenge, Zheng Jinzi is knocked down

   The WHITE scandal broke out in Seoul, South Korea, and the names of politicians and managers related to the scandal were made public. Contrary to the chief of civil affairs Lee Hyun-jung who advocated legitimate transactions, the prosecutor who aimed at this right took this opportunity to investigate WHITE CLUB, Lee Hyun-jeong The company TECH, which denied WHITE BENCH's investment, had a problem, and Li Xianjing forced large companies to invest in specific funds, such as requiring WHITE to invest 5 billion to 30 billion, and the public was in an uproar.

   Li Xianjing chose SONG&KIM, a law firm with a large number of former justices, to defend her. Li Xianjing was surrounded by news media as soon as he got off the car, and in court, the prosecutor said that the problem was caused by forced investment. This is called abuse of power. SONG&KIM's defense lawyer Yin Xicai proposed that the source of evidence was the chief civil affairs office or the chief economic office. The prosecutor answered that it was the chief economic office. Therefore, Yin Xicai believed that there was no evidence of Li Xianjing's compulsory investment; the prosecutor provided new evidence, saying that TECH's accounts There was a problem, Yin Xicai took out the investment details of TECH, saying that TECH had invested in WHITE BENCH and other companies, and also took out the investment application form of TECH, so that Li Xianjing is not suspicious. Yin Xicai made a closing statement, saying that the prosecution was only suspicious and had no definite evidence, so he claimed that Li Xianjing was not guilty, and the final verdict was also that Li Xianjing was not guilty, but the public was very dissatisfied with the result.

   Li Xianjing shook hands with Yin Xicai, and Yin Xicai reminded Li Xianjing to make a very sorry expression for every day. Yin Xicai browsed the news on the Internet, and he regarded these dissatisfaction news as a sign of his victory. The colleague played the "arrogant" tune to celebrate the victory.

   Yin Heicai took another case. When he met President He Canho, he deliberately didn't pay good respects. He Canhao learned about Yin Heicai's deeds from his subordinates and decided to let him take charge of his case. The person in charge of the law firm told Yin Heicai to let him. Responsible for a divorce case originally in charge of Lawyer Ma, this case is already in sight. Yin Xicai and his colleague were drinking in the bar, and the colleague told him that Lawyer Kong was about to go to the United States, and then one partner would be vacated. Yin Xicai finished his work in the office. He changed his clothes and went out, went to the laundromat, put his shirt in the roll washing machine, and a woman in the shop turned a blind eye to him and read the book in front of him at ease.

Korean drama rich defender diversity plot introduction (1-16 episodes) finale - Lujuba

Korean drama rich defender poster

   Yin Xicai told He Canhao that he could obtain custody and property in this divorce case, but He Canhao said that the case had been delayed for two and a half years and was annoying; Yin Xicai promised He Canhao that the case would be closed because he invited Zheng Jian The lawyer, and Zheng Jian is the immediate predecessor of the current judge. As long as he sits next to him, he can guarantee the conclusion of the case. He Canhao asked if Yin Xicai was from a family of lawyers, and Yin Xicai said that his great-grandfather was a justice. He Canhao said that he had an appointment with Lawyer Ma to drink in the evening, and he would go with him and introduce him to his girlfriend, but Yin Xicai said that if it is not of the level of He Canhao's sister, he shouldn't.

   Yin Heicai met with the president of the law firm, and the president said that because of the victory of the WHITE case, He Canhao appointed Yin Heicai to be responsible for his divorce case. The president told Yin Xicai to sit in a high-level position and need to operate. Yin Xicai said that he would sit at a higher position. The president asked him to be humble, but Yin Xicai said that excessive humility is hypocrisy.

   Yin Xicai came to the laundromat again. The woman was still reading the book intently. He also took out the book and pretended to be reading, but the power went out at this time. The woman turned on the phone’s flashlight and looked at the rainy scenery outside. Then she greeted him, saying that she had come to wash clothes because it was the quietest time. If Yin Xi felt disturbed, she could stagger the time, Yin Xi said No need. The woman walked out of the store and ignored the reminder that he had an umbrella behind her back. The woman returned to the store and took away the book that Yin Xicai was reading. She refused Yin Xicai's offer to give her an umbrella. Later, when Yin Xicai went to the laundry, the woman disappeared.

   Yin Xicai saw the woman driving a car on the street that day, but when he hurried over, the woman had already driven away. Yin Xicai confided this encounter to his colleagues. At this time, a former female classmate was looking forWhen he arrived and wanted him to help with the divorce lawsuit, Yin Xicai ignored him, but when he saw the video in front of him, he found that the woman in the laundry was in the video. He couldn't help but ask who she was. He is Xishan senior who is four years higher than theirs. Yin Xicai sent away the female classmate Youyou, and immediately checked the world's Jin Xishan's information on the Internet, and found that Jin Xishan would be attending a class reunion soon. Yin Xicai attended the party to see Jin Xishan. When he did not see Jin Xishan and felt that the party was boring, he planned to leave. It just happened to ran into Youyou and Kim Hee Sun, and Youyou introduced them to them. Jin Xishan recognizes that Yin Xicai is the same person who washes clothes in the early morning like her. Yin Xicai asks Jin Xishan to go out. Jin Xishan agrees. The two of them go to a restaurant to drink, regardless of the booing classmates behind them. The two found similar interests and enjoyed each other. So there were a series of appointments that followed. The two watched art exhibitions and listened to songs in the laundry. Yin Hee-Cai even made soup for Kim Hee-sun and gave each other a watch. Kim Hee-sun took the initiative to kiss Yin Hee-jae.

   On this day, Yin Xicai came to the court. His colleague told him that the other party was an unknown law firm, and Yin Xicai dismissed the other party. He Canhao came to the court, full of confidence in Yin Xicai. At this time, the judge arrived and nodded to the lawyer Zheng Jian on Yin Xicai's side, but when Yin Xicai sat down, he found that the woman's defense lawyer was actually Jin Xishan, and he was shocked. The judge said that since the divorce case has been fought for two years, he stopped retelling the case and asked if the two parties had any new information. At this time, Jin Xishan pointed out that although the woman had cheated, the evidence provided by the other party was too sufficient and detailed. Prepared prepared evidence of the woman's derailment, so the blame for the divorce is not only on the defendant. Jin Xishan said that the matter of parental rights is another matter. The judge said that the defendant Li Shuyu had derailed eight times, but Jin Xishan said that Li Shuyu did not cheat on eight people at the same time, but every time she was with one person, she threw a bombshell-the spirit of the man He Canhao Diagnosis-He Canhao also used cocaine because of insomnia. This report was given to him privately by Yin Heicai's informant. Kim Hee Sun, who was with Yin Heicai, got the report. Although Yin Xicai said that the report should be submitted in advance, the judge accepted the report. Jin Xishan said that He Canhao has no emotional bond with the child, takes drugs, and tends to be violent, and Yin Hee was defeated in this round. Yin Xicai was very depressed, and the lawyer in charge mocked him and asked him to withdraw from the case. Yin Xicai watched Jin Xishan send his wife into the car, and hurried over. He stopped Jin Xishan who was about to pick up the car and asked her what's going on. Jin Xishan said that today was the day of the breakup. Yin Xicai asked her if she had a purposeful approach to herself from the beginning. Kim Hee Sun stuffed a business card in his pocket, saying that the meeting again would be at the time of reconciliation, and that this was to make money. Yin Xicai was hit hard and started laughing wildly.

   13 months ago, Zheng Jinzi entered a small law firm that made a living by helping the underworld. At this time, Li Shuyu came to visit suddenly, saying that her husband was taking medicine because of a mental disorder, yelling at the child every day, and one day he would beat the child. Zheng Jinzi targeted Yin Xicai, the key figure in the lawsuit, followed him, and after learning his preferences, he deliberately went to the laundry to wait for him, deliberately ignoring his attention, and the blackout was also her and the lawyer. A play written and directed by the office staff; they also found Yin Hee-Cai’s senior sister, Jin Hee-sun, from the Internet, and used the beauty to pretend to be Jin Hee-sun to interact with Yin Hee-jae. Zheng Jin-ja therefore obtained the case data prepared by Yin Hee-jae and won.

   Zheng Jinzi returned to the office, and her assistant told her that because of the victory of the lawsuit, the star Huang Milla found them and wanted to fight, but Huang Milla's character is volatile and difficult to deal with. He Canhao approached Yin Xicai and said that he did not trust Lawyer Ma, and it was his biggest mistake to let him go to court. When Yin Xicai met with Zheng Jinzi, Zheng Jinzi made the request of the woman's side. Yin Xicai ridiculed the decoration of the office, but Zheng Jinzi didn't take it seriously. Regarding Zheng Jinzi’s request of 100 billion, Yin Xicai said that he could only give a maximum of 6 billion, because Li Shuyu has been a housewife since his marriage and has nothing to do with the formation of He Canhao’s fortune, not to mention the woman has been busy cheating. Zheng Jinzi suggested that mental prescriptions might contain drugs. Yin Heicai said that he would give up to 20%; Yin Heicai suggested that the other party approached him to steal information in order to fight a lawsuit. Zheng Jinzi said that he would have his lawyer’s license revoked at most. However, Yin Heicai would have trouble with the company, and Yin Heicai had to raise the breakup fee to 25%, and the custody partner did not even think about it. Zheng Jinzi agreed. Yun Xicai told Zheng Jinzi not to see youFace, Zheng Jinzi also agreed. After Yin Xicai left, Zheng Jinzi drank the coffee brought by his assistant and told his assistant that such an agreement was a benefit for his company, and that custody was the benefit Li Shuyu wanted.

   Yin Hee ran into a person at the top of the stairs. The person was a former customer of Zheng Jinzi. He was dissatisfied with the result of Zheng Jinzi helping him in the lawsuit. He came to make trouble, but was speechless by Zheng Jinzi. Zheng Jinzi threatened to call the police, and the other party only temporarily avoided . But when he got downstairs, the person called someone to help him get a boat to China, and he wanted to clean up Zheng Jinzi; these words were heard by Yin Xicai, and when he got home, he hesitated to send Zheng Jinzi a note to the gangster. SMS. Zheng Jinzi met the bully on the road, and the bully took out the knife. Zheng Jinzi said that the opponent should be killed by a knife, otherwise he would bite his flesh and fight with Zheng Jinzi. The bullshit's words seemed to evoke the memory of Zheng Jinzi's unfortunate childhood, and she seemed crazy. She wrestled with the bullies, and when the bullies were knocked to the ground, she picked up the bricks.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: neidi