Douban 9.3, known as the new pinnacle of Taiwanese dramas! Alyssa Chia returns to Taiwanese screens and plays the domineering president

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Have you ever wondered about the family of a criminal?

Have you ever wanted to understand the world of a mental patient?

Have you ever thought about what is good and what is evil?

How far are we from evil? How far is it from the wicked?

Douban 9.3, known as the new pinnacle of Taiwanese dramas! Alyssa Chia returns to Taiwanese screens and plays the domineering president - Lujuba

recently, starring Jia Jingwen, Wen Shenghao, Wu Kangren and others, the new series "The Distance Between Us and Evil" jointly launched by several Taiwanese TV stations has aired four episodes. Once it was broadcast, word of mouth exploded. Douban scored 9.3, IMDB 9.0, Known as the new pinnacle of Taiwanese drama.

The play tells the entanglement and self-struggle between several fragmented families and several characters involved after an indiscriminate murder.

Douban 9.3, known as the new pinnacle of Taiwanese dramas! Alyssa Chia returns to Taiwanese screens and plays the domineering president - Lujuba

​​This is Jia Jingwen's fifteen years after another Taiwanese drama, the childhood goddess once again returned to Taiwan's small screen, the appearance and acting skills are still very good.

Song Qiaoan, who she plays, is the president of a news and television station. She is vigorous and domineering in the workplace, but in the family, her son was unfortunately killed in a homicide. Both the individual and the family were greatly impacted, and her husband faced divorce. Discord with her daughter.

Douban 9.3, known as the new pinnacle of Taiwanese dramas! Alyssa Chia returns to Taiwanese screens and plays the domineering president - Lujuba

Another starring Wu Kangren is almost the son of the Taiwanese TV Golden Bell Awards (equivalent to the American Emmy Awards).

He has won the best actor and best supporting actor once each, and he has been nominated for best actor twice. He plays the criminal defense lawyer, who has been criticized and condemned by public opinion.

And what is this lawyer insisting on?

The play exposes many issues that have not been paid attention to before, and throws out the distorted society and repressed human nature to let us think. Everyone in the

play is struggling and suffering, and each contradiction has become a dead knot.

It is not a cool drama that makes people feel enjoyable, but restraint everywhere. The process of

revealing scars is often painful. The first family involved in

was that of the murderer Li Xiaoguang.

Li Xiaoguang shot at the entrance of the theater indiscriminately, shooting the assault, causing 9 deaths and 12 injuries. After the

murder case, Li Xiaoguang's parents and sister were forced to wear masks to go out under the pressure of public opinion. They often received abusive calls and their noodle restaurants were beaten up.

is angry for the public, and the backlog is too long.

Li Xiaoguang was the executioner who killed nine innocent lives. He was extremely vicious and deserved to die. This person has hurt so many families, then his family should not be better off.

The parents want to apologize, but they don't know how to face the public, let alone how to express. Finally stood in front of the camera and knelt to the public. Can

be appreciated by the public?

The public opinion said: "It's just a show," "Kneel down, no nine lives can be exchanged." No matter what

​​does, after the murder, his family has been nailed to the pillar of shame by public opinion and cannot turn over.

For a long time, we are accustomed to standing on the commanding heights of morality to criticize others, and to judge the wicked in reality with the justice in our hearts.

The rhetoric on the Internet, the threat of intimidation in reality, is it not the carnival of people like us who assume justice?

In our hearts, this pair of parents is evil, and the news media lavishly exaggerated their negative images. Anyone who has a little pity or sympathy for them will be accused of online violence.

Because no one is interested, they sell the house to compensate the victim’s family; no one is interested, how painful the murderer’s relatives live every day; and no one is interested, how will their lives be in the future Spend. Why should

sympathize with them? If you sympathize with them, what will the victim's family do?

Who made them the family of the murderer, their bodies were bleeding from murderers.

So how should they stand up and face the public eye.

Li Xiaoguang’s younger sister can only survive by changing her name and using her new identity as "Li Dazhi" because her mother said, "If you die at home, you will die three people." But even if she changed her identity, there was a deep shadow in her heart, always bowing her head and lacking confidence. The

movie "No One Is Guarded" says that "There have been many cases in the past where the criminal's family committed suicide because of the media's condemnation." So after the case, who will protect the criminal's family?

In their hearts, is it not all kinds of pain and sufferingboil.

Are they really villains? Where are they evil?

Is our actual and spiritual attacks on these helpless people really good?

It is not only the families of criminals who have become the targets of public anger.

also has a second family, the family of Li Xiaoguang’s lawyer Wang She.

soon followed the scene of Wang She's victim's family throwing dung, and he was scolded as "a scum, urine and scum to justify criminals."

Most people think that he is defending the prisoner for money or other interests.

But he actually has his own considerations. After his daughter was suspected of being kidnapped by a mental illness, he also chose to help the "hijacker."

Because he has always hoped to find the reason for the perpetrator and the turning point of the change, so as to avoid more such things. It's just that in the eyes of the public, he is helping the gang to abuse him.

However, from Wang She's point of view, he hopes to do his best to help these criminals, because even people who are hated by society have the rights of judicial protection.

In a knowledge quiz community, the user "seniors are moving bricks" has a good saying, "The whole world thinks that a person deserves to die, including this person himself thinks he deserves to die. At this time, there is another person who stood up and questioned him. Whether you deserve to die or not is our greatest caution in life, and this caution is the role of a lawyer."

This is the greatest respect for life.

is precisely that the victim also has a defense lawyer, trying to make great efforts to balance, to maximize the truth of the matter, only to increase the credibility of justice, and increase the rationality of justice, rather than being influenced by emotion.

We cannot accept this kind of person who excuses criminals, because we are afraid that criminals will escape sanctions, but for lawyers, this is their duty.

So this lawyer is really a villain? The third family of

is the victim's family, which is the Song Qiaoan family mentioned earlier.

Song Qiao'an's originally happy family has become fragmented because of Li Xiaoguang's appearance.

Her son Tian Yan was shot to death in the theater. After that, she lived in deep self-blame. She suffered from PTSD and was afraid to enter Tian Yan's room. She often reproduced the scene of the day in her mind, so she had to use alcohol to paralyze herself. , Work crazy to hide yourself.

so that she and her husband are facing divorce crisis, lack a lot of care for their daughter, and often quarrel. The daughter of

did not want to live with her, did not understand her, and even asked her, "Why didn't you die with Tianyan."

Qiao An struggled with work pressure and family affairs.

and her husband, the identity is also very contradictory.

On the one hand, he is a family member of the victim, and he hopes that the murderer will be punished as he deserves. On the other hand, as a media worker, he also hopes to find out why things happened.

Indeed, is the case over as soon as the sentence is sentenced?

the truth? There is a sentence in

"Pinocchio": "The truth is scattered around like fragments, never let us see its complete face."

Qiao An said, the truth will only blame our social system for problems. . But our social safety net and education system will never be able to control the perpetrators. If the murderer does not have to bear any legal responsibility after committing the crime, then what is the dead Tian Yan? "

Yes, if the murderer does not have to bear the legal responsibility, who pays for the victim?

But is it useful to blame the murderer’s family? If

is useless, who should be blamed? There are fewer and fewer people seeking the truth. .

What we see is that the media treats news in order to gain attention and attention, and are excited for the slight increase in ratings.

In fact, Qiao An is exactly such a journalist.

Li Dazhi said, "Editorial talents. Restore the whole picture of the world. "

, but in the world of news, can it really restore the full picture of the world? News seems to only give the public the truth they want, and what the editor restores seems to be just a mimicry world that vents the public's anger.

Ideal and reality, it is difficult to have both. The fourth family of

is Li Dazhi’s landlord.

Li Dazhi’s landlord has a geniusThe younger brother Ying Sicong, but always resentful, owed debts during the filming, coupled with the death of his girlfriend, brought him a big blow. Under the pressure of

, he made some mental disorders. Later, after examination, it was found that Ying Sicong suffered from schizophrenia.

When we treat mental illness, we have always been "disguised". We think they are crazy, their moods are changeable and uncertain, they are a time bomb in society, and they do not have to bear legal responsibility for hurting people.

So the society gave them more discrimination, even spurned.

"Who would want to marry someone with a mental illness at home."

Mental patients and their families are all shrouded in shame.

However, how many mentally ill patients endure the compulsory medical treatment that cannot bear to look directly at them; how many mentally ill patients spend their entire lives in huts at home; and how many mentally ill patients want to prove that they are normal again and again. Just want to be free, want to return to their home.

"Let me go home"

"I won't hit people anymore, I know I was wrong, I'm sorry"

"Take me home"

Someone said, "Cure the troubled times with heavy codes, and we should focus on mental illness management, not Let them run around and raise the threshold for mandatory hospitalization."

But they are actually just sick, but their illness is somewhat special.

In our eyes, they are abnormal. And because of our concerns, the police and administrators can freely restrict the freedom of those who are sick and who do not harm others.

What is the power of the individual?

Just like Wang She said, why can't we normal people give more attention and more abilities we have to these sick people.

But we, who advertised as normal people, have been demonizing them. In

, the family members of the criminals are actually just a few ordinary people. The defense lawyers of the criminals actually have more thoughts of their own. People with schizophrenia have no desire to hurt others.

Those villains in our mouth may not be so evil, and the keyboard man who flaunts justice may not be so good.

We often say that with a heart of innocence, perhaps the contradictions in the play cannot be completely resolved for a while, but we still hope that more people can be treated kindly.

Because sometimes, all this may not really be their fault.

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