"Nationwide Superman Hancock", after 12 years, the second part will finally be released, let us wait and see

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Do you still remember that in 2008, a smash hit movie "Superman Hancock for All" was released? I believe that for this old movie, friends who still remember should have a vague impression. In the first movie, Will Smith and Shaliz Theron played a pair of supermen and women. They would Become very fragile, each is extremely strong after separation, director Peter Berg revealed that in the sequel, he will expand the story line of the first part, explain more to the audience the background of the male and female protagonists, and introduce a new superman. , Which also makes the sequel of this movie quite exciting.

'Nationwide Superman Hancock', after 12 years, the second part will finally be released, let us wait and see - Lujuba

Yes, after 12 years of waiting for this movie, some news about the second part of "Superman Hancock 2" may be released in 2020, directed by director Peter Berg, but this In fact, there are many difficulties for this movie. First of all, after 12 years, although there are still people who remember the movie, the fan base has declined very much due to the problem of too long time. In the recent movie market, DC’s "Thunder Shazam" has been released, and Marvel’s "Avengers 4: Endgame" will also be shown on Qingming. Under the pressure of these two giants, Sony can actually Can't grab a piece of pie is still unknown.

'Nationwide Superman Hancock', after 12 years, the second part will finally be released, let us wait and see - Lujuba

As for the actors, Will Smith, Charlize Theron, Irene Beda, and other actors will continue to serve as actors in this movie. It can be said that the original team has returned directly. In this case, it is actually an advantage. , Because in this way, it will not have too much sense of disobedience to the audience. After all, the original Hancock is played by Will Smith, or an old actor, and the natural effect will be better.

'Nationwide Superman Hancock', after 12 years, the second part will finally be released, let us wait and see - Lujuba

However, due to the problem of its own strength, the investment may not be particularly large. In this case, in fact, there are many netizens who are worried about the problems of special effects and actors, but this point can actually be relaxed, because according to the " According to the Hollywood Reporter, Columbia has confirmed that Adam Feyero and Glenn Mazara will work on the script of "Superman Hancock 2", and the original producer of "Superman Hancock 2" is also expected to return. And after 12 years, if Sony has not invested much money and is not ready, it is estimated that it will smash its own sign. I believe that this kind of thing, Sony should not be able to do it.

Director Peter Berg said at the previous press conference of "Superman Hancock for all" that if this movie can predict as much business as possible, it will give priority to preparing for its sequel, which is "Superman Hancock 2 for all" "Will follow. After the DVD and Blu-ray were released for the entire movie, actor Will Smith said: "We are discussing a possible sequel, but the idea is not yet mature, but we are building the entire world; I think people will I was very surprised by the new world of "Hancock." It can be seen that the idea of ​​shooting the second film already existed at the time. For this film that has taken 12 years before finally coming to us, the editor personally In fact, it is quite anticipated.

And this time, the plot is set in Superman Hancock has not yet become as decadent as a generation. It is some experience Hancock saw in his early years, and some new Superman will be introduced. , For these elements, they will actually add a good new attraction to the movie, so let us wait, this movie has gone through 12 years, and it will make its debut.

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