Wang Sicong finally got a better blog, and the onlookers suddenly exploded. Only he dare to be such a high profile!

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[Note: This article is an exclusive original work by the author of "Recalling Misty Life", plagiarism and reprinting without permission is prohibited. Infringement must be investigated! ]

Recently, the scolding war between Wang Sicong and writer Hua Qianfang has caused heated discussions among many netizens. As we all know, Wang Sicong is a typical rich second-generation, and he is also very capable, which is quite different from many stubborn children.

Wang Sicong finally got a better blog, and the onlookers suddenly exploded. Only he dare to be such a high profile! - Lujuba

Wang Sicong has a pet king, but many people know it. This dog can be said to have reached the pinnacle of dog life. Wang Keke eats a private top version of premium dog food. He needs to take a private jet and wears all Luxury brands, and even the seats are imported private sofas. This is Wang Sicong's dog, a dog that has always been an Internet celebrity dog ​​in the pet world. It has millions of fans. Many netizens commented: Although they don't want to admit it, it is better than what we eat.

Wang Sicong finally got a better blog, and the onlookers suddenly exploded. Only he dare to be such a high profile! - Lujuba

In addition to his superior life, Wang Keke often appears on Wang Sicong's Weibo and circle of friends. He followed his host on hot searches for three days. Wang Sicong has posted many Weibo about Wang Keke. Among them is the belt: Little Princess Coco went back to Beijing to avoid rain. The dialogue between Wang Sicong and Zhou Hongyi was also on the hot search.

Wang Sicong finally got a better blog, and the onlookers suddenly exploded. Only he dare to be such a high profile! - Lujuba

This conversation is really classic. No wonder netizens say that seeing Wang Sicong’s circle of friends is more than poverty which limits imagination, and he is the only one who dares to show off his wealth in such a high profile.

[Note: This article is an exclusive original work by the author of "Looking Back at Misty Life", plagiarism and reprinting without permission is prohibited. Infringement must be investigated! 】

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