Where can I watch online movies? This feature of Douban helps you search with one click, one skill a day

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? This feature of Douban helps you search with one click | A skill a day

Friends who like to watch movies must be familiar with Douban App. As an established film community in China, Douban has been constantly optimizing the communication experience for users. In addition to "finding movies" and "commenting movies", Douban has also added a very low-key feature in its update iterations, which facilitates users to "watch movies" more directly, and even makes Douban's ecosystem more complete.

Where can I watch online movies? This feature of Douban helps you search with one click, one skill a day - Lujuba

We can imagine a scenario, when a user browses the Douban list and finds a movie of his own mind. If it is a movie that is currently being shown, you can choose to watch it in the cinema, but if it is an old movie, his next operation will be like this:

close Douban App

open domestic streaming apps (Tencent, Youku, iQiyi, etc.) )

, click on the search field

, enter the movie name

and click on the search result to watch

. It is possible that some movies have exclusive copyrights in some streaming media, so the steps to switch the playback source also need to be counted. When you just want to "quietly When watching a movie, so many operations need to be performed, which must be very bad in terms of user experience. Therefore, the 6.0 version of

Douban App

is updated. Douban also brings a low-key and practical function for its users, which is "Watching Movies".

When you open Douban, you can directly search for the name of the movie on the homepage, and click to enter the movie's detail page. For different movies, the detailed page will display differently:

downloads movies, network streaming media has resources, and the center of the interface will Shows "Playable in full"

download movies, network streaming media has no resources, the center of the interface will not display the option

to release movies, the center of the interface will display "purchase tickets"

upcoming movies, the center of the interface will not display the option

Where can I watch online movies? This feature of Douban helps you search with one click, one skill a day - Lujuba

In the "Full Movie Playable", you can intuitively find the streaming media information that has the source in the country, and whether you need VIP. Similarly, users can also choose their favorite streaming media channels in "Video Source Settings" 1, and whether they have VIPs. After opening, you can jump to the relevant App playback page directly through Douban's "Full Movie Play" to get a more direct viewing experience.

Where can I watch online movies? This feature of Douban helps you search with one click, one skill a day - Lujuba

When the user clicks to enter the "My" page, you will be sent a "Watch Movie" option. Douban provides users with two modes here, namely "Recommend for You" and "My Movie".

In "Recommended for You", Douban will recommend different movies for you every day, and all of them can be watched in full on streaming media. In addition, here you can also find a rich list of film categories, quickly locate the movie you want to see, and play it.

Where can I watch online movies? This feature of Douban helps you search with one click, one skill a day - Lujuba

In the "My Movies" movie, Douban will organize the "movies you want to watch" you usually choose, and present domestic movies with film sources for you. Here you can also see in detail the status of the movie in streaming media, the payment status, and whether VIP is required. For "movies you want to watch", if there are new playback resources, Douban will also prompt you in the dynamics on the homepage that there are new movies available for playback.

Where can I watch online movies? This feature of Douban helps you search with one click, one skill a day - Lujuba

is not over yet, an "Easter egg"

For computer users, the developer also gave a perfect solution, that is "". By installing this Chrome plug-in, you can add a portal module to the Douban movie webpage. When you find a movie you want to watch in Douban Movies, you can find various source channels in the portal on the right, and prompt related payment information.

Where can I watch online movies? This feature of Douban helps you search with one click, one skill a day - Lujuba

If you are interested, you can go directly to download the plug-in. Users with poor network conditions can also download it directly by dragging the crx file of the downloaded Douban movie portal into the Chrome extension window.

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. This is the end of today’s news for you! Everyone! If you have any different opinions, or want to know what kind of things and information, you can leave a message with the editor below. Friends who like it can give the editor a like and follow. Thank you!

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